What about secrets?

Recently in one of my classes here at Case we discussed secrets.

Are secrets good or bad? At first I believed secrets are a bad thing. As my teacher suggested, secrets can only exist if there is a community, where people are hiding things/information from one another (bad thing). He also goes to say that if you were the only person on earth, there would be no more secrets, because you then would have no one to hide anything from. I agree with him to a certain degree.

I thought that in an ideal community there would be no secrets, everyone can and would willing share their thoughts with one another. Because, I mean, if you're holding something in your heart it'll eventually bog you down, making you depressed or something. Also, in the grand scheme of things, you cannot hide anything from God. All the "secrets" you think you have He knows about.

With the idea of an ideal community in mind, I thought of the trinity. The trinity is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost all in one. Being in a community of three is a characteristic of God. As we are made in the image of God, shouldn't we all at some point strive for that characteristic? Having a holy community among the believers? Well, okay then. I thought in God's perfect community there are no secrets, seeing how the three separate "Parts" are actually the same. It's like two person sharing the exact same brain. The two persons are different appearance-wise, but they have the same "container" for thoughts. So how can you NOT share what's in the container if you're both using it?

I just read a passage that may refute this train of thought I had. Matthew 24:36: "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." WAIT. I believe this passage concerns the date and time of rapture, but that's not the point. This verse seemed to me as if the Father is withholding something from the Son, even though they are the same person. Could this be considered a secret? That the Father knows something that not even the Son knows? Before one goes on thinking too much about this, I want to make one thing clear, the clause "nor the Son" is omitted in some version, such as the KJV. Still though, is this a lie that certain editors put into the scripture then? Or does the Father really have something that the Son doesn't know about? I think this is a very curious case. Maybe someone would have answer out there. Please enlighten me if you know.

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