To Get A Step Closer

There's an ancient phrase that goes, "know thyself". I think it originated from some Greek philosophers. This saying is still prevalent today. Some people even consider "knowing themselves" the philosophy to life. Coming from a Christian point of view this saying may be borderline blasphemy, but I think it has some value to it.

The phrase's original purpose was to, an attempt, reach the "ultimate truth". The phrase is somewhat related to humanism dare I say? People are trying find the answer to life by looking into themselves, looking at their human nature. In the Christian world this would be...not correct, because God's Word is the ultimate truth.

But what if I say that, by knowing oneself better and better, he or she would be drawing closer to God? Think of it this way: by nature, us humans are sinful and corrupted. That's why we need Christ. We can easily say we understand that fact, but do we truly, profoundly, understand that? I don't think so. At least I know I don't. I go around saying I'm a sinner, but my words doesn't always have a lot of weight to it. That's because I don't always remember what it truly means to be a sinner, and neither do non-Christians...most of the time. So, let's say that "know thyself" is accurate in the sense that: the ultimate truth is found when we understand more and more about our corrupted human nature. The more corrupted we are, the more we need God's hand, His healing. Christ. God pours His love unto the lowest of the lows. God pours His love unto us. How low are we?

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