Something Sweet I Found

I was listening to Mark Driscoll the other day, and he made a mention of this:

It's a website from Covenant Seminary. It has over twenty courses directly from the Seminary. You can listen to the lecture online, read the lecture notes(posted on the website as well), or even do some studying by going through the study guides they provided for you. If you've been thinking about going to a seminary but are not sure, this is definitely a good place to check out. The lectures are DIRECTLY from the school! It's like going to a seminary for free and there's no pressure of failing. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get anymore wonderful than that.

2 Responses to "Something Sweet I Found"

Scott Mooberry Says :
February 26, 2009 at 9:36 AM

Allen, Thanks for posting this...I knew it existed, but haven't thought about it for a long I'm thankful to have the resource again.

Allen Says :
February 27, 2009 at 2:14 PM

You're Welcome Scott! I'm glad it can be help to you.

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