Take it slow

Today I was at a certain place with a friend who lives in the same dorm as me. He got caught up in something the last minute so I left before him. A few moments later he caught up to me and said: "Wow, I caught up to you. I dunno, I think I'm a fast walker." That may be it, but I told him instead I told him I was a slow walker instead. This is true. To strengthen my argument I said to him: "Yeah, when I go to class I usually leave half an hour before hand." This may or may not surprise you, but it should (haha). Most people from my dorm, when they leave for class, usually leaves 15 minutes before hand. That just goes to show you how slow I walk.

I never thought much about this "thing" I did (walking slow). But my friend suggested that it could be an allegory to enjoying life, taking it slow. I found his insight interesting because I did enjoy life and like to take things slow. As I thought more about it, something sunk into me. Should we all take things slow and enjoy life? Everywhere I go I see people walking fast and trying to get things done ASAP. And I suppose this principle applies to studying for tests, as well. Why struggle to try and cram information the night before? Studies show that it doesn't work well and people are probably aware of that. Might as well just go to bed instead of studying.

James 4:14 says: "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." This verse rings true for everyone. Our lives are so short in comparison to the grand scheme of things. Sure, the average human life span has increased over the years, but how much is 70, 80 years when compared to the history of the universe? Very small. And that's not even taking into consideration eternity. God is eternity, and eternity existed before time began and will continue after time stops. I think vapor is an overstatement to be honest.

So why ARE we hurrying? We should slow down, enjoy the beautiful Earth that God has created and humans have ruined. I'd say everyone should walk slower, maybe then we'll start to notice things that we haven't gotten the chance to see before because we've been walking so fast. Now as I say this, I don't imply that we should slack off. Sloth is a sin and slowing down our lifestyle doesn't necessarily make us less efficient. The span of our life has already been pre-determined by God, as wel as the works He wants us to do. We're only going to get as much done as He wants us to in this life time. If you get all the things done too early He might take you away earlier than you expect!

1 Response to "Take it slow"

......Jared Says :
October 13, 2008 at 6:00 PM

dude yeah. i need to start walking slower. especially this time of year with all the trees and wat not. i actually need to actually start walking. hehe. but i was just thinking the other day about how i always walk fast.

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