Down with the Sickness

No...I'm not talking about the song by Disturbed, even though that is a pretty sweet song. I am titling this post as such because I am literally sick. Some kind of viral infection and strep throat. I've been sick for three days now, and usually when people are sick they get pretty down, but to my surprise, the last few days I had were actually pretty awesome.

I speculate the reason as to why the sickness didn't bother me was because I began to pray more often. I kept myself in God and the negatives of this world didn't bother me.

I came to the conclusion that sickness is part of the physical body, and if you think about it, so is hunger, thirst, and health in general. If you fully give yourself up to Jesus Christ, the aforementioned worldly things shouldn't bother you anymore. Don't get me wrong though, after your leap of faith you're technically still living in this world, so if you stop eating you're gonna die! My point is--stop worrying about hunger, wealth, sickness, and other worldly stuff like that because God WILL provide, as long as we are living and believing in Him and glorifying Him.

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