The Election Post

My apologies for doing things so out of time. I should have made this post two days ago, but WAY too many things were going through my mind and I had to do a great deal of "sorting." So, to the election.

Barack Obama is the president of the United States now. Some people are ecstatic about it and some people are probably angry/frustrated/sad/flabbergasted, maybe. I'm sure there are people out there that wouldn't have cared either way. I'm one of those people. Partially because I didn't vote. You could call me an unruly citizen who failed to fulfill his civic duty, but allow me to explain myself.

The reason I didn't vote was because I couldn't decide. I couldn't make a decision as to which candidate was "better." Know that I DO care about the welfare of this country and where Obama is going to lead us in the furture. But I also know that God will provide. Obviously Obama has won because it is part of God's plan. I could justify myself by saying: "I just let God chose the right person," but as true as it is, it still comes back as somewhat of an excuse because I really was not able to decide on who to vote for.

I'm sure there are fellow Christians out there who has done their research, and fully endorses one candidate over the other. I want to let you know that I did my research as well, but I still couldn't decide. How can that be so? Well, because during the process of which I looked each candidate up, I realized that I was simply seeing who's point of view I agreed the most with. Notice it is who "I" agree the most with. As a noobie Christian and a fresh believer, I couldn't trust myself to make a decision while fully knowing that I could go against God's will. Think about this. People pray for "their" candidate to win. Isn't "their" candidate a personal choice as to who they want to win? At times our selfish desire overcome God's.

At that time I thought of the phrase "WWJD". My reasoning was that Jesus is the king of all kings and president of all presidents. In the unlikely event of an election, Jesus would win without a shadow of a doubt. Well, so I thought, "Jesus is not on the ballot, how can I vote for him? I guess I'll just not vote and just believe in Him because I know this election doesn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things."

Looking back at my situation now, I think I failed. I failed to put my faith in God to know that He'll lead me to the right decision. Maybe the right decision WAS for me to not vote, but I guess in reality I could have voted, and it would have been okay. Because as I said, all is part of God's plan.

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